Kids Painting Party
$350.00 (Initial 10 guests)
Select from available dates and times below to book your party and select your painting. If there is a date you wish to request please CONTACT US.
- Kids birthday packages are for ages 4 and up. For $350.00 you can invite UP TO 10 painters who will paint on an 11×14” canvas board with instruction. Each additional child is $35. Price includes 18% gratuity for your instructor. If you want larger canvases please see “Adult Party” pricing and book an "Adult" party.
- A deposit of 100% of the base package price is due at time of booking to reserve your space. The remaining balance (if any) will be collected at the beginning of your event.
- A “Happy Birthday” Banner will be hung up for the “end of event photoshoot”
- We have a 72–hour cancellation policy for parties scheduled on Saturdays or Sundays. Failure to give notice within 72 hours of the event will result in forfeiture of deposit. No Exceptions. For parties scheduled on weekdays, there is a 7-day cancellation policy. Failure to give notice within 7 days of the event will result in forfeiture of deposit. No exceptions.
- Painting instruction will start promptly 15 minutes after your party start time. Instruction lasts 1 – 1.5 hours with a 15-minute dry break usually halfway through. Your instructor can let you know more precisely when the break is once a painting has been selected.
- All parties must be concluded by the end of the two hours. Any party exceeding two hours will incur a $75 late charge per half hour.
- Due to staffing, no more than 25 guests are allowed to attend the party, that includes painters.
- We can do custom artwork for your event for an additional fee of $25.00 dollars.
- A table for food and gifts will be provided with a table covering. All other decorations will be the client’s responsibility. Balloons are acceptable.